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Free Flight First Aid Course

Tonia Reinys Fox, MD, P4

About the Course

Free flight pilots: learn how to respond in an emergency until professional help arrives.

The course consists of 90 minutes of instructional videos divided into six modules, plus a three-hour in-person workshop for hands-on instruction and practice of the procedures.

  1. Introduction
  2. Injury Patterns in Free Flight
  3. Calling For Help & Organizing the Rescue
  4. The Primary Assessment: M.A.R.C.H.
  5. Spinal & Head Injuries
  6. Extremity Injuries, Splinting, and Packing Your First Aid Kit

Workshop Images


Having the videos really maximized our use of time in the hands-on seminar. The instruction specifically targeted hang gliding and paragliding accidents. Tonia's clinic can help all pilots—young and old, new and experienced—learn how to administer appropriate on-site medical care. I highly recommend it.

Dan Z.
Safety Coordinator, Wings of Rogallo, SF Bay Area, California

While nobody plans on having a flying accident or being on the scene when a flying accident happens, we are one another's first responders. We need to know what to do. Tonia's clinic will instill the confidence to be able to offer immediate, intelligent care to our flying buddies in case of an accident.

Rick Ray
Safety Officer (2011-2018) and current Board member, Rogue Valley Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association, Oregon

About the Instructor

profile image Tonia Reinys Fox, MD has 23 years of Emergency Medicine experience, including trauma-heavy training and practice in public, private, community, and VA System hospitals, where she served for 3.5 years as Emergency Department Chief. She has 4 years of EMS experience in the Colorado Rockies and has served as Antarctica/Southern Ocean Expedition Physician (5 times) and Applegate Open Medical Advisor (2 times).

Interested in hosting the workshop for your free flight club/organization and making the videos available to them?

Contact me and we'll work something out!
